All Classes and Interfaces

An abstract (single-attribute) integer label.
An abstract (single-attribute) list-of-integers label.
An abstract implementation throwing an IllegalArgumentException on all primitive-type methods.
An abstract implementation of a lazy integer iterator, implementing AbstractLazyLongIterator.skip(long) by repeated calls to nextInt().
An abstract (single-attribute) list-of-longs label.
An abstract implementation of a graph labelled on its arcs.
An abstract arc-labelled immutable graph that throws an UnsupportedOperationException on all random-access methods.
An iterator returning nodes, their successors and labels on the arcs.
An iterator returning successor and the labels of the arcs toward them.
An ImmutableGraph that corresponds to graphs stored in a human-readable ASCII format were each line contains an arc.
Exhibits an arc-labelled immutable graph as another arc-labelled immutable graph changing only the kind of labels.
A way to convert a label into another label.
An ImmutableGraph that corresponds to graphs stored in a human-readable ASCII format where each line contains the list of successors of a given node.
A wrapper class exhibiting a graph and its transpose as a bidirectional graph.
A labelled graph storing its labels as a bit stream.
A class computing host-related data given a list of URLs (usually, the URLs of the nodes of a web graph).
An immutable graph represented using the techniques described in “The WebGraph Framework I: Compression Techniques”, by Paolo Boldi and Sebastiano Vigna, in Proc. of the Thirteenth World–Wide Web Conference, pages 595−601, 2004, ACM Press.
This interface provides constants to be used as compression flags.
Computes the connected components of a symmetric (a.k.a. undirected) graph using a parallel breadth-first visit.
An immutable graph based on the Elias–Fano representation of monotone sequences.
A content-addressable representation of the cumulative function of outdegrees that uses a stripped-down implementation of Elias–Fano's representation of monotone sequences partially taken from EliasFanoMonotoneLongBigList.
An integer represented in fixed width.
A list of integers represented in fixed width.
A list of longs represented in fixed width.
A natural number represented in γ coding.
A small wrapper around JSAP's standard ClassStringParser.
Computes an approximation of the neighbourhood function, of the size of the reachable sets, and of (discounted) positive geometric centralities of a graph using HyperBall.
A simple abstract class representing an immutable graph.
A list of the methods that can be used to load a graph.
An abstract immutable graph that throws an UnsupportedOperationException on all random-access methods.
An induced subgraph of a given immutable graph.
Exposes a graph in a simple binary format as an (offline-only) ImmutableGraph.
A class exposing a list of triples as an ArcLabelledImmutableGraph.
A set of attributes that can be used to decorate a node or an arc of a graph.
A way to merge two labels into one; the actual merge is performed by the LabelMergeStrategy.merge(Label, Label) method.
A semiring used to compose labels.
A lazy iterator over the integers.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with lazy integer iterators.
A lazy iterator over longs.
A class providing static methods and objects that do useful things with lazy integer iterators.
An iterator returning the integers contained in a sequence of intervals.
An iterator returning the element of an underlying iterator but filters them using a inclusion-exclusion block list.
An iterator returning the union of the integers returned by two IntIterators.
This interface extends LongIterator and is used to scan a graph, that is, to read its nodes and their successor lists sequentially.
The main method of this class loads an arbitrary ImmutableGraph and performs a sequential scan to establish the minimum, maximum and average outdegree.
Performs breadth-firsts visits of a graph exploiting multicore parallelism.
An ImmutableGraph that corresponds to a graph stored as a scattered list of arcs.
An ArcListASCIIGraph with fixed shift -1.
Computes basic statistical data about a given graph.
Computes the strongly connected components (and optionally the buckets) of an immutable graph.
Static methods that manipulate immutable graphs.
Provides a method to accept or reject an arc.
Provides a method to accept or reject a labelled arc.
An arc filter that rejects arcs whose well-known attribute has a value smaller than a given threshold.
An arc filter that only accepts arcs whose endpoints belong to the same (if the parameter keepOnlySame is true) or to different (if keepOnlySame is false) classes.
An arc-labelled immutable graph representing the union of two given such graphs.
An immutable graph representing the union of two given graphs.